Monday, July 11, 2011

Fabulous Homemade Fries

Sometimes the best recipes are those that are associated with memories. This recipe is no exception. These fries make me think of my childhood best friend, Lacey. In high school, we would make these fries and eat them as fast as they would come out of the oven.  I don't make them very often because well, they're not good for you. But when I do, I always think of her and all the fun we had.

I love making these fries because they are so simple and don't require a lot of oil. All you need are a few potatoes, vegetable oil, and some salt. The best part of all....these fries are so delicious! Take a few potatoes and cut them into small strips. Put them in a bowl of water, so they do not turn brown, while the others are being cut.

While your oven is heating up, put enough oil on the bottom of a sheet pan to coat. Then pat your potato strips dry in a towel. Once your oven's hot, put the sheet pan in to warm up the oil. After about five minutes or so, carefully take the pan out, toss the potato strips in the hot oil, and place them back in the oven. I would not advise to skip this step and put the potatoes in cold oil. Trust me on this! If you do, your fries will stick to the pan and which will make it very difficult to flip them over.

Half way through the cooking process, take them out and carefully turn over the fries. Also another tip, don't walk away and forget about them! The next thing you know is your fire alarm is going off or a burning smell will be emanating from your oven.  Again, trust me on this! These fries are so good that you don't want to burn them. They should look like this when you are done.

Drain them on paper towels or a paper bag and sprinkle some salt over top. Enjoy! Okay, at this point there would be a nice plated picture of the fries with some kind of sauce. However, in one gluttonous moment, I ate them all. Yes, you read me right. I ate them all because they are that good.  Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go work out.

Fabulous Homemade Fries 

3 large baking potatoes
Vegetable oil

1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
2. Cut potatoes into small strips. Place in a bowl of water.
3. Pour enough vegetable oil to coat the bottom your sheet pan.
4. Put the sheet pan for five minutes to heat the oil.
5. Pat desired amount of potatoes dry.
6. Remove pan from oven and carefully toss the potatoes in the oil.
7. Place back in the oven for 10 minutes. Remove pan and turn over the fries.
8. Bake for 10 more minutes or until fries are light brown. Repeat process with remaining potatoes.
9. Remove fries to drain on paper towels and sprinkle with salt.

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