Friday, July 1, 2011

Strawberry Sorbet

It has been said when life gives you lemons, make lemonade, right? Well, I had a HUGE "lemon" on my hands and not sure what to do about it. It was strawberry freezer jam that did not turn out. I don't know what happened and neither does anyone I asked. Instead of a nice thick jam, there were two distinct layers. The bottom consisted of a bright, red liquid with the top layer being a mushy mass of berries. It tasted great but was not what I wanted, especially not nine jars worth. So what's a girl to do?

While reading a magazine, I became inspired by this recipe. I used a jar of my strawberry "jam", some frozen strawberries, and french vanilla yogurt. No sugar was needed because my "jam" was sweet enough.

These ingredients were blended together, poured into a plastic container, and placed it in the freezer. It was a little soupy, so it took longer to freeze. The result was delicious! So in the end, this sorbet was my "lemonade" to my jam fiasco. Thank goodness! For the recipe, go here.

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